Party Tray

Gingerbread House Party Kit

Cookies decoration kits:

  1. Mini gingerbread house decoration party kit ……..$100/party-kit (22-mini houses)
    No hassle, pre-constructed tasty 22 mini gingerbread houses, including an icing mix, icing piping bags, assorted candy, gift bags….
  2. Gingerbread boys and girls decoration party kit ……$45/party-kit (30-cookies)
    Tasty, ready-to-decorate 15 gingerbread boys and 15 gingerbread girls cookies (total of 30 cookies), including an icing mix, icing piping bags, assorted candies….

 Note: We offer pre-mixed and filled royal icing piping bags to be ready to decorate for $5 extra cost, upon request.

 Special Cookies:

  1. Nutty cranberries toffee chocolate cookies party box
    Small (25 pieces)….…$37
    Large (40 pieces)…….$57                                                                               Crunchy rich chocolate cookies, topped with coffee flavored cream caramel, cashews, almonds, and dried cranberries
    My award winning cookies from “That Takes The Cake 2016”
  2. Mixed flavors Spritz cookies party box (4 flavors)
    Small (40 pieces) …………$25
    Large (88 pieces)…………$50
    choices of flavor: Green tea, Thai tea, Chai tea, Earl gray tea, Chocolate, cinnamon, lemon scent, vanilla

Special Cakes:

  1. Toffee cake party box                                                                            8”x9”………….$25 ( pre-cut in either 30 or 72 pieces)
    (soft rich chocolate cake, topped with coffee flavored cream caramel and mixed with your choice of either cashews only or cashews, almonds, and cranberries blend)

Quick bread:        
Note: A whole wheat blend can be provided upon request.

Pumpkin bread party tray 
Sliced mini loaves tray………………$22                                          Special mixed (Sliced mini loaves and mini bites)……….$25






Mixed banana bread party box
Sliced mini loaves tray………………………………………………$22